Friday, January 29, 2010

Stain From Carpet Wood Basket


The technology has been causing so many joys and many sorrows, it was learned that thanks to the phone, msn and pages to contact as hi5, among others have isolated and close people. This is for Facebook, the site most frequently used contacts right now, that which will come next? - Do not know. But, Facebook has gained the attention of people, to become the''bridge''fiebruses - Dominican term, or addicted to staying in touch.

In this case the site of which I speak has surprised many with the news: Unusual - Father and daughter are in Facebook after 50 years ..
Original / Metro

Frances Simpson, 51, first saw his father when he was three years. Her parents separated and she spent 33 years trying to find it without success, using addresses, insurance numbers and electoral registers but salus was impossible, until a friend used the implementation of family tree and was able to find information.

Frances, a housewife from the town of Shropshire, contacted Macnauton Kim, 19, daughter of the second marriage of his father, Tony Macnauton through Facebook. Immediately, the two women exchanged phone numbers and defined a family reunion, which took place over the weekend. Macnauton, now 72, lives just 322 miles from her daughter in the town of Poole. Each

treasured photograph of a small appeared together and formed part of the same roll of film. Frances was a 18-month girl playing with her doll as she pressed her hand to her father. It took many years until he could do it again.



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